SHARE MARKET (KCL) - Rs 265.00

+94 11 291 1224 |

+94 11 291 1224 |

The Company


Kelani Cables Ltd. was founded in 1969, as an import-substitute manufacturer during the controlled-economy era. Initially, components such as drawn wire were imported, but over time, the company commenced the manufacture of this commodity at its factory. Hence, Kelani is the pioneer in Sri Lanka’s wire drawing industry. In 1973, KCL was incorporated as a quoted public limited liability company for the manufacture of power cables, telecommunications cables, and enamelled winding wires in Sri Lanka.

Kelani Cables Ltd. 成立于 1969 年,是受控经济时代的进口替代制造商。 最初,拉丝等部件是进口的,但随着时间的推移,该公司开始在其工厂生产这种商品。 因此,Kelani 是斯里兰卡拉丝行业的先驱。 1973 年,KCL 作为一家上市有限责任公司注册成立,在斯里兰卡生产电力电缆、电信电缆和漆包绕组线。

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Kelani Cables is a recognised name as a premium resource for a vast product range for both local and global organisations. Quality has also been a key aspect in all its designs and the manufacturing processes. The company has incorporated state of the art machinery that were designed and fabricated by world reputed machine designers. The raw materials are sourced from globally recognised suppliers that undergo stringent testing before being used.

featured products

Surpassing the toughest quality standards inorder to create a truly positive customer experience


Kelani Cables has been presented with many awards for its excellent performance in terms of quality, productivity and best practices. These includes following awards:

OUR featured projects

Servicing a range of cable applications while helping to illuminate the nation since 1969


Kelani Cables CEO's award 2023/24 winners announced

Congratulations to our 2023/2024 CEO's Award Winners! Exceptional contributions and unwavering commitment of our team for excellence sets the s


Kelani Cable PLC’s golden welfare offer is called “Kelani Visura.”